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皮膚 ・ 体 ・ 心 (2010)

  Perfect Harmony through Ayurveda

  for Skin、Body and Mind 

 言語:英語  英語字幕 2010年発売 インド製 55分 

 A) アヴィヤンガ : アヴィ(Flollowing)、ヤンガ(Body part)。
     アーユルヴェーダの 代表的なトリートメント です。 基本。  
     オイルを使った 体毛、血液の流れに沿っての 全身マッサージ。

 B) ナヴァラキリ :ナヴァラ(インドの ナヴァラ ライス)、キリ(ハーブ ボール) 
     温めた薬用ミルク にキリを入れ、それでトリートメントします。
     布でマッサージ するので 気持ちがいいです。
     また良い香りに包まれるので リラックスできます。      

映像で、どんなトリートメントか 理解できると思いますし、参考になると思います。ですが、
アーユルヴェーダの専門用語を知らないと、全てを理解する事は難しいと思います。辞書に載っていない言葉 が出てきます。

As per Ayurveda, the functional body movements are smoothly conducted it shows the health
structure.This movement also carries the mind hence thoughts also will be more clear if the
movements in the body are smooth. Skin is the most important sense organs and most
porous part in the body it can easilyregulate the subtle movements in the body hence the
importance of skin care.

A ) ABHYANGAM ( general massage of body with oil )

 Abhyangam is a popular body massage in ayurveda. The word abhyanga itself means to
 massage. Abhyangam is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing
 system for overall health and well−being.Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with oil.
 Often medicated and usually warm, the oil maintain health, benefit sleep patterns, increase
 longevity. It has also been used as a medicine for certain disorders. Abhyanga can be
 incorporated into a routine appropriate for almost anyone. It provides the body the necessary
 life energy to recover, refresh, renew and enables the mind to be relaxed. It wipes the
 negative energy of the body and makes the body powerful.

B ) ABHYANGAM− NAVARAKIZHI ( general massage with rice cooked in medicated milk )

  After a short of mass of rice and milk into a linen coarse bath−glove by beating slightly
 and massaging. It contributes to develop weak and motionless joint and muscles.The
 whole body is made to perspire by the application of medicinal boluses frequently warmed
 in herb infused milk. It helps in strength promoting, rejuvenating, paralysis and Parkinsonism.

    in association with Arya Vaidya Pharmacy [Coimbatore] Ltd.
定価 1,480円(税込)
販売価格 1,000円(税込)
