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英 語 字 幕 版 で す。


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Lord Buddha (2011)


  英語字幕 & 英語による解説です。 2011年発売。 46分。インド製。

  多分 すべて タイで撮影されているかと思います。

  カメラワークは素人か? パンの振り方が荒く 人生初の テレビ酔いをするかもです。

Religion and music have always had an integrally close relationship with each other. As the world's fourth largest religion, Buddhism is no exception; except the way it has intertwined with music is somewhat different to the relationship music has with Christianity, Islam or Hinduism. Buddhism is unique in that it does not consider chanting to be prayer.

Chanting cleanses the mind like water cleanses the body. When you chant Buddhist mantras, you are not asking someone to save you from evil nor are you hoping to be given a place in heaven after death. Instead, through chanting you can learn, teach, philosophize or re-memorize the discourse.

This DVD contains Buddhist chants recited by monks in monasteries in Thailand and India . It also contains a short history of the origin of some important chants, an interview with a monk that helps to give a deeper understanding of Buddhist chants. Through this DVD, you will learn several important chants which are the first steps to meditation. They focus on a simple phrase and melody and repeat it over and over. The repetition relaxes the mind and the body thus becomes ready to meditate.

The aim of Buddhist chanting and meditation is to clean the mind of defilement and disturbances, to gain insight (Vipasana) which leads to the understanding of the true nature of things. The essential features are mindfulness and awareness, which you will discover to practice chanting with this DVD.

Buddham saranam gacchami Dhammam saranam gacchami Sangham saranam gacchami - I take refuge in the Buddha I take refuge in the Dharma I take refuge in the Sangha.

定価 1,500円(税込)
販売価格 1,000円(税込)
